Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blog # 13 Clutter?

Ok, so maybe I don't have an actual item to describe but I will tell you this- I don't like to throw things away. When I looked into my purse before, I noticed many receipts, old chocolate, and a tissue wrapper with no tissues left in it. Call me lazy or weird but I think it also has to do with my having the constant feeling that I might need these items again in the future. In some way, I'm nervous of throwing things out- eventually I get to it but I always seem to put it off.

My closet: My mom is obsessed with garbage day and she yells at me to find stuff she can collect to throw away. I dread garbage day for two reasons. 1: This means I actually have to get off my ass and search for things I don't need and 2: What can I possible throw away? Everything is wrapped in to some type of memory. I have old stuffed animals, clothes, dolls, boxes filled with little trinkets I used to call treasures, and the old miscellaneous. My mom goes into my closest herself and shows me a box of things to look at and I immediately say "No, I like those," or "I can't throw THIS away!" Everything reminds me of a specific time and I just can't bring myself to throw things away. For instance, I used to love collecting things- pencils, stickers, etc. I remember when I found my old sticker book in my closest. I was amazed at how many stickers I collected and of all different styles and colors. Everything represents me now or who I was and I like to hold on to that.

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